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Black History Month FICTION

Asim, Jabari, 1962-

Yonder : a novel

Jemisin, N. K.

How Long 'til Black Future Month?

Colvin, Jeffrey

Africville : a novel

Forest, Kristina

The neighbor favor : a novel

Pride, Christine

We are not like them : a novel

News & Announcements

Black History Month NON-FICTION

Merith, Keith

A darker shade of blue : a police officer's memoir

Brand, Dionne, 1953-

Salvage : readings from the wreck

Richards, Todd (Chef)

Roots, heart, soul : the story, celebration, and recipes of Afro cuisine in America

Pardlo, Gregory

Spectral evidence : poems

Lewis, Lelani

Code Noir : Afro-Caribbean stories and recipes

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