
Going on vacation? Want to try out an eReader?
We offer Kobo Clara and Nia eReaders for 21-day loans!
Borrowing Basics
Click the "Reserve" button above or search for "Kobo" in the catalogue to place a hold. We'll let you know when it's available for pickup at your preferred location. Once you've been notified that a Kobo is available, you can pick it up at the Circulation Desk.
Borrow one for 21 days, with the option for 1 renewal if no one else is waiting.
Only one Kobo eReader per patron can be borrowed at a time.
Kobo eReaders must be returned fully charged and directly to staff during open hours (do not deposit them in interior or exterior return bins).
You're responsible for all pieces while it's check out on your card. Fees apply for lost or damaged items ($212).
You'll need a valid library card, in good standing and access to wifi to load materials (either at the library or at home).
You'll need to create a free Kobo account with a valid email address and password.
Each Kit Contains
A Kobo Nia or Clara eReader.
Quick Start Guide.
USB for charging and loading materials.
Carrying case.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does the Kobo work?
Do Kobo eReaders come pre-loaded with ebooks?
Can I listen to e-audiobooks on Kobos?
Why Kobo eReaders? Why don't you have the Sony eReader or the Amazon Kindle?
How can I borrow ebooks? What is OverDrive?