Support Your Library
At NVDPL, our commitment to community extends beyond our walls. We believe in the transformative power of libraries to change lives, broaden horizons, break down barriers, and ease isolation.
Your contributions help us enhance and fund special initiatives and services at North Vancouver District Public Library. When you donate to the library, you help us provide essential services that help residents live meaningful, connected, and engaged lives.
Gifts to the Library are tax deductible. North Vancouver District Public Library is a registered charity, and issues tax receipts for donations of $25 or more. Our charitable registration number is 86888 6490 RR0001.

Donate Online
Making an online donation is simple, secure and easy to do from the comfort of your own home through CanadaHelps. You can even specify how you'd like your donation to be used, if you choose! Email our Business Manager, Daria Hrbacek with your questions about donating.

Give to Our Endowment Fund
Supporting our endowment fund creates a steady and dependable source of income for your Library. The Library spends only the interest earned on the capital, while the base amount of your donation remains intact. Your gift will never stop giving!
For information on donating to the North Vancouver District Public Library Endowment Fund through the North Shore Community Foundation, call 604-998-4460, or visit www.nscommunityfoundation.com.

Leave a Legacy
Leaving a charitable gift in your will is an easy and powerful way to support library programs and services you believe in. Your estate will receive a tax receipt for the value of the gift. Bequests can be made by naming North Vancouver District Public Library as a beneficiary in your will. For advice on leaving an appropriate legacy, speak to a professional advisor, such as your attorney, estate planner or accountant.
If you want to speak with us about your gift please contact our Business Manager, Daria Hrbacek by clicking the button below.