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Explore Your Topic: Health & Wellness

Our librarians have handpicked the most helpful resources on this topic from the Library collection and online.

There are two people sitting on an examination table. One appears to  be a doctor holding a clipboard and the patient is looking at the doctor and listening.

On The Web

BC Cancer

BC Cancer provides a comprehensive cancer control program for the people of BC in partnership with regional health authorities, and its mandate covers the full spectrum of cancer care from prevention, screening, diagnosis and treatment, to research and education, to supportive and palliative care.

BC Centre for Disease Control: COVID-19

Information on the virus, how to protect yourself, and what to do if you are suspect you have the virus.

BC Mental Health and Substance Use Services

Online map of child and youth mental health and substance use services. Provides information on services directly from the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD), health authorities and community agencies. Only services funded by MCFD and health authorities are shown on the map.

BC Psychological Association

A searchable database of Registered Psychologists throughout B.C. The search form allows you to search by city, client type, area of practice, therapy method, and language.

Counselling BC

A searchable database of counsellors, psychologists and therapists in the Lower Mainland and other BC locations.

Developmental Disabilities Association (DDA)

Information about their programs and opportunities for those with autism spectral disorder (ASD), cerebral palsy, Downs’ Syndrome and many other developmental disabilities, and their caregivers.

Health Canada

Health Canada helps Canadians maintain and improve their health. It ensures that high-quality health services are accessible, and works to reduce health risks. Includes information and services on consumer product safety, healthy living, drug and health products, food and nutrition, and more.


HealthLink BC develops, operates and maintains a comprehensive non-emergency health information and advice service to the residents of BC. They employ tele-nurses, registered dietitians, qualified exercise professionals and health service navigators.

Medical Services Plan

Information and enrolment forms for Medical Services Plan of BC and PharmaCare. B.C's publicly-funded health care system ensures that all eligible residents have access to medically necessary health care services and to eligible prescription medications, medical supplies, and pharmacy services.


An online portal that brings together information from the National Library of Medicine (NLM), the world's largest medical library, and a part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Extensive info about drugs and supplements, an illustrated medical encyclopedia, surgery videos & more.

Mental Health and Substance Use Supports in BC

Information and links to BC Government services for addiction treatment and mental health support.

My Voice: Advance Care Planning Guide

From the BC Ministry of Health, this guide and workbook help you complete an advance care plan that outlines your wishes about health care decisions in the event you are unable to do so. It will help you consider what is important to you, help you document your beliefs and wishes, and help you develop the advance care plan that best suits you.

OPT: Options for Sexual Health

Sexual health information, support, and services for teens in British Columbia. This organization supports, provides, and promotes inclusive and accessible health care and education.

Red Book Online (BC211)

bc211 is a Vancouver-based nonprofit organization that specializes in providing information and referral regarding community, government and social services in BC, including resources on addiction, mental health, homelessness, disabilities and more.

Scarleteen: Sex Education for the Real World

Ask a question, check out the message board, or read up on all sorts of sex and sexuality related issues.

TeensHealth: Info about Health, Growth & Emotions for Teens

General info on health, food, and fitness. Includes recipes for teens with lactose intolerance, diabetes, celiac disease etc.

Vancouver Coastal Health

Hospitals, residential care facilities, and community health services in the North Shore and Coast Garibaldi area of British Columbia are featured on this Web site.

Youth Health

Health info for teens from Health Canada. Covers a variety of topics including mental health & wellness, sexual health, substance use, bullying, cosmetics safety, sports gear and more.

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