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Teen Digital & Homework Resources

Our librarians have handpicked the most helpful resources on this topic from the Library collection and online.

An overhead view of a table these items are visible: notebooks, pencil crayons markers, pencilcase, calculator, protractors, and books.




Learn arts and crafts by following videos with activities for all ages - handicrafts, drawing, painting, jewelry, food & home, holidays, and more.



Information on almost any topic! Helps students, educators and library users find high quality, curated information for homework & research projects.

KnowBC (incl. Encyclopedia of British Columbia)

KnowBC (incl. Encyclopedia of British Columbia)

Online edition of the Encyclopedia of BC, an authoritative resource on BC past and present with photographs, maps, charts, sound and video clips.

Libby & Library2Go (OverDrive) Ebooks & E-Audiobooks

Libby & Library2Go (OverDrive) Ebooks & E-Audiobooks

Take great books wherever you go! Popular fiction and non-fiction ebooks and audiobooks for all ages. Read online or download to a mobile device.

LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning

Build your professional skills, from graphic design to management! Explore 16,000+ courses taught by industry pros. Learn at your pace in 7 languages.

Mango Languages

Mango Languages

Discover self-paced courses in over 70+ languages with native speakers. Dive into vocab, cultural insights, grammar, and memory-building exercises.

MasterFILE Premier

MasterFILE Premier

General reference magazines covering subject areas including business, health, education, science and multicultural issues. Includes images.

Points to the Past

Points to the Past

Primary source historical content back to 1450, including The Smithsonian, Anti-Slavery Transnational Archive, treaties, declassified documents & more.

The Great Courses through Kanopy

The Great Courses through Kanopy

Learn at your own pace from experts from the most respected institutions in the world. Includes academic topics, professional/life skills and more.

UBC Library's Open Collections

UBC Library's Open Collections

UBC Library's Open Collections reflect the research interests of UBC and beyond. Includes books, photos, newspapers, maps, videos, theses & more.

On The Web

American Universities

A U.S. government guide to American post-secondary education. Search or browse by state, program, education level, tuition fees, available housing, varsity athletics support and more.

B.C. Transfer Guide

Research post-secondary programs offered in B.C. and use this tool to compare programs, admission requirements, and tuition. This resource is managed by the BC Council on Admissions and Transfer (BCCAT).

BC Government

News, statistics, and tons of additional information about the government of your province!

BC Government Home Page

News, statistics, and tons of additional information about the government of your province!

Canadian Career College and Trade School Directory

A directory of Canadian Career Colleges and Trade Schools provides information for over 650 schools covering 140 cities or towns in Canada, sorted by province and city. These types of career-based educational institutions provide students the opportunity for learning a new profession or trade.

Canadian Museum of Civilization

Virtual exhibits and information about all aspects of Canadian history, including the Fur Trade, First Nations, and World War II. Also discusses archaeology, arts, and civilizations from around the world.

Canadian Museum of History

The Museum of Civilization has a brilliant website on the First Peoples of Canada. Here you'll find information about First Nations, Inuit and Metis peoples - their histories and contemporary lives.

Canadian War Museum

Take a gallery tour and learn about Canada's involvement in World War I and World War II. The virtual museum lists exhibits and programs of the Canadian War Museum and a history of military history in Canada.

Career College

Provides information on, and links to, career colleges located throughout Canada. Programs are grouped by subject area.

Course Materials for Educators

From BCcampus OpenEd,a searchable collection of open textbooks. The curated collection aligns with the top 40 subject areas in BC. Many of these textbooks have been reviewed and vetted by BC post-secondary faculty. Textbooks can be read online, downloaded, and printed.

Education Planner

Provides access to post-secondary planning information for over 2000 undergraduate programs offered by BC universities, colleges, and institutes.

Government of Canada

Get quick, easy access to the Government of Canada's most requested services and information.

Here to Help: Information You Can Trust

Looking for answers to hard questions? Find out about drugs & alcohol, body image, depression, stress, and healthy living in general.

My BC Campus

Apply to BC universities and colleges online, or find out more about online post-secondary programs.

My Shakespeare

Dive into the rich world of Shakespeare with our full-text, interactive editions of his plays. myShakespeare replaces traditional footnotes with multimedia resources for the 21st-century student. Includes Hamlet, Romeo & Juliet, and Macbeth.

North Shore Culture Compass

An ongoing project to compile a hub of cultural assets within the North Shore Region. This tool is intended for residents, tourists, planners, and the cultural sector, to help build audiences, drive tourism, fill gaps, and encourage partnerships to better highlight our rich cultural diversity.

Past Provincial Exams and Keys

Help students prepare for their upcoming graduation assessment by taking previous tests. Focusing on numeracy and literacy, assessments measure learning skills linked to curriculum and performance standards.

RightsTalk: Students and Civil Liberties At School

Concerned about your civil rights at school? This site outlines some basic ideas and concepts concerning civil liberties for students.

Scholarships & Awards

Through the B.C. Ministry of Education, get help with post-secondary tuition and fees. Learn about the scholarships and awards available to Grade 12 students completing high school.

School Finder

Information on admissions requirements, costs, programs, and contact information for over 600 post secondary schools.


Study guides for a variety of subject areas. Sometimes you don't understand your teacher, your textbooks make no sense, and you have to read sixteen chapters by tomorrow. SparkNotes is a resource that can help you understand books, write papers, and study for tests.

Student Aid BC

StudentAid BC helps eligible students with the cost of their post-secondary education through loans, grants, scholarships, and other programs.
They also offer programs for borrowers who need help repaying their loans.

The British Museum: Virtual Tours

A good source for information on World Cultures. Check out the cool virtual tours!

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