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Board Orientation & Resources

Robert's Rules of Order

Introduction to Robert's Rules of Order

Robert's Rules of Order Online: Parliamentary Procedure and Parliamentarians

Consent Agenda

North Vancouver District Public Library (NVDPL)

2020 Briefing Book: NVDPL Trustee Orientation 

NVDPL Collaboration Agreement with the District of North Vancouver

NVDPL Policy Manual

NVDPL Board Structure

District of North Vancouver

District of North Vancouver Official Community Plan

Province of British Columbia

British Columbia Library Act

Inspiring Libraries, Connecting Communities: A vision for public libraries service in British Columbia

British Columbia Privacy Guidelines for Libraries

Fast Facts About Public Libraries in BC

Ministry of Education: Libraries and Literacy

The Commons - BC Libraries

Facing the Future: A Report on the Future of Libraries for the Province of BC

British Columbia Library Trustees Association (BCLTA)

BCLTA Website

Trustee Orientation Program (TOP)

The Effective Board Member - A Handbook for Public Library Trustees in British Columbia

Library Associations

British Columbia Library Association (BCLA)

CLA - Statement on Intellectual Freedom and Libraries

CLA - Diversity and Inclusion

American Library Association (ALA) 

  • Core Values of Librarianship

  • Public Library Use Trends

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