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Updating our Spaces

Parkgate Library Space Improvements:

November 2024-May 2025

We’re making necessary improvements to our library! The final renovations of our multi-year Parkgate Library revitalization plan will continue in phases, starting on Monday, November 4.

Please read below for important information that may impact your visits.

What's being done:

  • New automatic sliding entrance doors for improved accessibility.

  • Refreshed children’s space.

  • Additional seating areas for reading and studying on the 1st floor.

  • More efficient and sustainable mechanical systems, including HVAC, electrical, and plumbing.

  • Accessible and open service desk experiences.

  • Minor refreshes to fixtures, including paint, carpet, and furniture.

  • Improved Meeting Room access with exterior door replacement. 

Why are we doing this work?

Some of the library’s building systems, including HVAC, electrical, and plumbing, and are nearing their end-of-life and require replacement. These improved systems will allow for more efficient use of resources and reduce our carbon footprint, and are part of the District of North Vancouver’s plans to maintain and restore aging infrastructure.

While necessary building refurbishment is underway, we’ll be also be making necessary improvements to our library to ensure that our spaces are welcoming and accessible for all —a key priority of our Strategic Plan.

A lot has changed in the 30 years since Parkgate Library first opened, and our community’s needs have evolved.

In 2022, work was completed to refresh the 2nd floor of Parkgate Library to include a welcoming reading lounge, a silent study room, and a space dedicated to teens.

We’ll be addressing other patron needs by adding additional seating near natural light, improving access to new and popular materials, and improving egress through the main entrance for those with strollers or mobility aids.

How will renovations impact visitors to Parkgate Library?

Work will take place in phases from November 2024 to May 2025. While we will do our best to minimize disruption, there will be times when certain collections, technology, seating, and study areas will be temporarily unavailable due to the scope of the work.

Some collections and programs will be moved to other spaces during the renovation period. If you need help finding something, please speak with staff! 

We aim to conduct noisy work before the library opens each day, but some noise is expected. Complimentary earplugs will be available.

1st Floor Improvements: (Complete) November 4-January 8, 2025

Impacts during this time:

  • The Children’s area, Adult Large Print Fiction, AV material for kids and adults, the Fireplace Lounge, and meeting room will be inaccessible by staff and patrons.

  • Patron holds will be temporarily moved to tables.

  • Mini Children’s Library will relocate to the Lantern Room on the 2nd floor. 

  • Some popular materials will be temporarily relocated to the 2nd floor. But don’t worry, you can still place holds on materials from other NVDPL branches!

  • Some material may be temporarily stored offsite and unavailable in the catalogue.

  • 1st floor computers will be unavailable.

  • Some programs will be relocated to other meeting spaces during this time. Please ask staff when you arrive for programs.


Staff Workspace Updates & Preparation for Mechanical Replacements: (We are here) January 8-March 12, 2025

Impacts during this time:

  • The exterior book drop will be closed during this time. Please return items during open hours or at another location. If you need help, please connect with staff! Thank you for your patience.

  • Our circulation desk and information desks will be temporarily relocated as we prepare new workspaces.  

  • Parts of the exterior building façade will be removed to prepare for mechanical system replacement.


Mechanical System Replacements & 2nd Floor Enhancements: (Starting Soon)

March 12-May 1, 2025

Impacts during this time:

  • On Monday, March 10, the library will be partially closed from 10:00am- 2:00pm.

  • The exterior book drop will reopen.

  • The 2nd floor will be closed to the public as mechanical systems, including plumbing and electrical, are updated on the 2nd floor. The floor is also being recarpeted.

  • You can still place holds on items and staff will assist you with getting materials at this time. We encourage you to stock up on reading materials before the 2nd floor closes!

  • The Meeting Room will not be accessible to the public for most of this phase. Please ask staff for information about where programs are being relocated.

  • From approximately April 16-22, the front entrance to the library will be closed as we replace the doors. During this time, the entrance to the library will be in the Meeting Room, accessible on the inside of Parkgate Plaza.

  • Study and reading space will be limited.

  • There will be limited access to public computers in the Fireplace Lounge.

  • Exterior building finishes, including paint and HVAC, complete.


We understand parts of this work may impact your visits, and we are grateful for your patience and understanding as we work to update your library!

We’re here to help and thank you for your patience!

If you have questions, please let us know how we can assist you during this time.

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