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Explore books, programs, volunteer opportunities, resources and more for teens!

A Space Just for Teens 

You will find a space just for teens at our Capilano, Lynn Valley and Parkgate locations – all branches have tables for studying, along with teen books, graphic novels, manga, video games and more. At Parkgate, there is even a study room dedicated for teens. At Lions Gate, we have a small selection of teen books but staff are happy to bring over books from our other branches! 


Digital Books, Audiobooks, and Magazines on the Libby App 

Did you know that there are certain titles from NVDPL that can only be found as digital materials? Especially audiobooks, manga, and graphic novels! Download the free Libby app to your Apple or Android mobile device or read on your Kobo. Find out more about Libby or get started searching for your next favourite digital read right from our catalogue.


Free Online Arts & Crafts Courses

If you enjoy arts & crafts, Creativebug is your online gateway to a new hobby. Learn through thousands of video classes with activities for all ages and new content added daily. Instructional videos on sewing, quilting, knitting, crochet, drawing, painting, paper crafts, jewelry, food & home, holiday & party, and more.

Teen Activities & Volunteering

Teen Digital & Homework Resources

Explore our Catalogue

Teen Reading Recommendations

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Get Involved

Teen Advisory Group

The Teen Advisory Group (TAG) is a group of high school students interested in being involved with the library. We want to hear your ideas, concerns and suggestions! We meet once a month during the school year at Capilano, Lynn Valley and Parkgate branches to talk about teen services and programs and do fun stuff—make buttons, buy books, create activities for younger kids, be in parades, host photo contest receptions, etc. Always new & different—and there’s snacks.  


Contact for more info, and check Programs & Events for the next meeting.

Teen Volunteering and Other Free Library Programs at NVDPL

During various times of the year, volunteering opportunities can include Book Buddies, Tech Tutoring, and help with special library events.


Contact to request to be added to our volunteer call-out email list, which is sent when any new opportunities arise.

To get more ideas for volunteer opportunities outside the library, look at the North Shore Youth Volunteer Directory.

Programs & Events for Teens

Explore teen events at your local NVDPL, or join online from anywhere!

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Teen Reading Recommendations

Find your next favourite read with recommendations from teens and NVDPL librarians!

Contact Us

Send us your questions about teen services and programs at NVDPL!

Teen Rainbow Reads

Lukens, F. T.

Spell bound

Garrett, Camryn

Friday I'm in Love

Jaigirdar, Adiba

Hani and Ishu's guide to fake dating

Thomas, Aiden

Cemetery Boys

Self-made boys : a Great Gatsby remix

Teen Indigenous Representation

Moonshot. Burning cold : an Inuit and Dene comics collection.

Cobell, K. A

Looking for Smoke

Ferguson, Jenny, 1985-

Those Pink Mountain nights

Webstad, Phyllis

Orange Shirt Day : September 30th

Bowles, David (David O.).

Prince and the Coyote

Teen Mental Health Awareness

Lee, Deb JJ

In Limbo

Chaos Theory

Killing the Wittigo : Indigenous culture-based approaches to waking up, taking action, and doing the work of healing : a book for young adults

Green, John, 1977-

Turtles all the way down

Tovar, Virgie, 1982-

The self-love revolution : radical body positivity for girls of color

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