
Author Talk (On Foot in France)

Join local author France Fehr for an evening about the Camino de Santiago.

In May 2019, France and her husband started their journey across France on the Via Podiensis (GR 65). They were excited to be pilgrims and challenge themselves to walk 800 kilometres between Le Puy-en-Velay and Roncesvalles.

This 39-day adventure was not just a physical test. How did they prepare for such a long journey? Once they got there, where did they walk? Where did they sleep? And why did France feel compelled to trek on despite dealing with adversity on the trail?

When she returned home, she had thousands of photos and a few life lessons. Writing a book helped her face the Camino blues and gave her a different challenge. She wrote their story to remember all the details and better understand how she experienced it. At the heart of it, why are so many people interested in the Camino (The Way) and yearn to go back year after year? This story of courage, determination and friendship is a whisper of how you can face your fears and invites you to live out your dreams.

France Fehr grew up in Quebec. She worked as a Physical Education teacher and fitness instructor for a few years before moving to Vancouver where she met her husband, Stephen. She happily taught FSL on the North Shore to thousands of children. She has lived in Lynn Valley for over three decades. When she is not on a trail in Europe, she keeps fit while hiking or cycling in British Columbia. On Foot in France, an unforgettable adventure on the Camino de Santiago is her first book. Mon Camino en France, une aventure inoubliable vers Compostelle is also available for French readers.



*Copies of the book will be available to buy (cash only).


Registration required. Register online or call 604-984-0286, ext. 8144. For more information, email info@nvdpl.ca.


Lynn Valley


Wednesday, October 25, 2023 - 7:00pm to 8:00pm


  • Adults
