
Life on the Coast: Meet the Locals – Whales of British Columbia

To join the event tonight at 7pm, use this Zoom link: https://nvdpl.zoom.us/j/89909007799?pwd=T0tnTU84TUNGSFViNEZQNkNoY1ZEZz09

Join Aaron Purdy to learn all about the whales in our waters!
Discover tips and tricks for identifying BC’s common cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises), hear about recent nearby sightings, and learn about the threats these animals face. Find out how Ocean Wise helps to mitigate these threats discover how you can become a citizen scientist by submitting your cetacean sightings on your next coastal adventure. After this talk, you will have all the tools you need to jump in and do your part to protect BC’s cetaceans!
Aaron joined Ocean Wise in 2019 as the Outreach and Education Lead for the Southern Vancouver Island Cetacean Research Initiative. He works to promote the BC Cetacean Sightings Network, educate BC residents about whale conservation, and coordinate community-led research in the Southern Vancouver Island area. Since completing his BSc in Zoology from the University of Calgary, Aaron has worked both as a researcher and educator in the non-profit sector. He graduated from the University of British Columbia in 2019 with a MSc in Zoology where he studied the diving physiology of Steller sea lions.
Registration required. Register online or call 604-929-3727, ext. 8166.
Please note that this session will take place over Zoom. You will need a microphone and speakers, or a headset, in order to take part in the session.


Zoom 2


Wednesday, June 29, 2022 - 7:00pm to 8:00pm


  • Teens
  • Adults

North Shore Reads 2022 Book Discussion: "Care Of" by Ivan Coyote

The 2022 North Shore Reads selection is Care Of by Ivan Coyote. The author will be in conversation with CBC’s Shelagh Rogers on the evening of Wednesday October 19th for our 2nd annual North Shore Reads event!  Join our librarians over Zoom to discuss this timely and moving book.

In the early days of the Coronavirus lockdown, like every artist and creator, writer and storyteller Ivan Coyote was faced with a calendar full of cancelled shows and a heart full of questions around what now? To keep busy while figuring out what to write about next, Ivan began to answer the backlog of mail and correspondences that had come in while they were on the pre-pandemic road: emails, letters, direct messages on social media, soggy handwritten notes found tucked under the windshield wiper of their car after a gig, all of it. In Care Of, Coyote combines the most moving and powerful of these letters with the responses they've sent in the months since the lockdown. Topics include finding peace within a difficult family; struggling to figure out one’s identity and fighting to have it accepted; the challenges of being a teen, and of becoming an elder; grief, joy, and everything in between.


This program is open to adults and teens. You can find copies of the book through Libby/OverDrive. You can also pick up a physical copy at Capilano branch or arrange a pickup at Parkgate, Lynn Valley, or Lions Gate Express by contacting Sara.


Registration required. Register online or call 604-987-4471, ext. 8175.


Zoom 3


Thursday, July 7, 2022 - 10:00am to 11:00am


  • Teens
  • Adults


Zine-Making Workshop with Artist Kathleen Gros

Combine your love of comics, crafting, and community organizing and join Vancouver artist Kathleen Gros to learn how to make zines! Learn about the history of zines from their origins in the 1930s to their flourishing in zine libraries throughout North America, and work with returning artist Kathleen Gros as she takes us through an introduction on how to make a zine of your very own. You’ll also get to know what tools and resources we have for you in our StoryLab facilities to support your creative endeavours! This program is appropriate for those brand new to zines and comic-making, and more seasoned artists are also welcome.

About the instructor: Kathleen Gros is a cartoonist living in Vancouver, BC. She is the creator behind the graphic novel Jo: An Adaptation of Little Women (Sort Of) (HarperCollins 2020). She graduated with a BFA in Illustration from Emily Carr University of Art and Design in 2015 & teaches comics in the Continuing Studies program at Langara. She is the current president of the Vancouver-based charitable organization, Cloudscape.


Registration required. Register online or call 604-984-0286, ext. 8144.


Lynn Valley


Tuesday, June 28, 2022 - 5:00pm to 6:30pm


  • Teens
  • Adults

Restorative Justice in Our Community

Restorative Justice is a system of criminal justice which focuses on the rehabilitation of offenders through reconciliation with victims and the community at large, as opposed to prosecution, punishment and/or incarceration.  This talk will give folks an overview of Restorative Justice in the province and the main work of the North Shore Restorative Justice Society (NSRJ) in our community. Included will be a brief history of Restorative Justice, it's connection to Indigenous ways of being and knowing, as well as information about the NSRJ’s other work with police and in schools. We also hope to have an experiential activity to showcase the work of the NSRJ in a more meaningful way. Bring your curiosity and your questions! This program is open to adults and teens.

About the presenter:  Sioned Dyer has been the Executive Director of the North Shore Restorative Justice Society for six years. She holds a Masters in Urban Studies from SFU where she focused on reconciliation as a municipal policy priority. Sioned has three young sons and feels grateful to live and work on the unceded territories of the Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh First Nations. 


Registration required. Register online or call 604-987-4471, ext. 8175.


Zoom 3


Tuesday, June 14, 2022 - 7:00pm to 8:00pm


  • Teens
  • Adults



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