
Capilano Universe: Get cape. Wear cape. Fly: The Psychology of Making One Change

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Join us for the Capilano Universe Lecture series!

First we have to get our cape (i.e., skills and tools we need for change). Then we have to practice wearing our cape. And then — possibly after many failed attempts — we fly! Every time we try to change, we get a new cape, begin a new adventure — and repeat our hero’s journey into the unknown.
The Get cape. Wear cape. Fly. metaphor was the perfect frame for our Introductory Psychology research projects. Our learners not only immediately understood the research task involved in trying to change one thing in their lives, they celebrated their triumphs and tribulations by creating their own 8-panel “graphic novel” of their experiment.
In this public lecture, Jessica Motherwell McFarlane, Ph.D. will begin by discussing some of the psychology involved when we want to make a change. Then she will showcase — comic-by-comic — some of our learners’ personal journeys through their own research. Finally, YOU will be invited to change one thing in your life.
Please be sure to have a blank paper and a marker on hand and at the ready for this visually inspiring, engaging, and fun approach to the psychology of making one change.

Registration is required. For more information, call 604-929-3727, ext. 8166

This meeting will be held on Zoom. What you’ll need to attend: a computer with microphone (or headphones) and webcam, or your smartphone/tablet.

Interested in more events like this? View the full 2023 Capilano Universe Lecture Series

About the Presenter 
Jessica Motherwell McFarlane, PhD, is an instructor and professional education consultant on gender, anti-oppression, indigenization, and other social justice issues, and won the Instructional Excellence award at the Justice Institute of British Columbia.
Jessica is currently an Instructor at Capilano and Kwantlen Polytechnic Universities. She is also the Teaching and Learning Associate for Decolonizing Pedagogy Initiatives at Capilano University. Jessica is the developer and director of the Life Outside the Box Learning Institute — a JIBC initiative — with curricula designed to use visual narratives (comics) and other expressive arts as a way to SEE personal and professional stories, conflicts and injustices from new perspectives.
She facilitates school and community groups needing to have complex — and sometimes emotionally painful — conversations. Jessica also offers innovative workshops, small groups, and one-to-one sessions for children, youth, and adults who need learning support and wish to be inspired by the expressive arts, and more.
Finally, Jessica is a counsellor in private practice specializing in supporting clients who are on their own adventure-filled, hero’s journeys to becoming their true selves.




Thursday, February 23, 2023 - 7:00pm to 8:45pm


  • Teens
  • Adults