
Conversation and Connections: Community Show and Tell

Everyone welcome! Join us for refreshment, information sessions, and discussion on a variety of topics.


Topic: Golmehr Kazari, Cultural Programmer, will be talking about the importance of objects and memory with a community show and tell session. 

Everyone carries the memories and feelings that are important to them in their minds and hearts. As part of this show and tell, we are encouraging participants to bring one or two physical keepsakes that remind you of wherever you call home, and share why these objects are important to you, as well as the stories behind them.

Please feel free to bring one or two items that you consider having sentimental value and bring back a sense of nostalgia and remind you of home. This can be an item given to you by a loved one when you were a child; a family heirloom; an empty bottle of perfume; a written family recipe, or an item that you discovered while settling in a new home, .... It can be anything! Please show and tell other participants the short story behind the item that captivated you.


Registration is optional. Everyone is welcome to drop in; register online if you would like email reminders. For more information, call 604-984-0286, ext. 8144 or email info@nvdpl.ca.

This event takes place in person in the Program Room at Lynn Valley Library.



Lynn Valley


Thursday, October 19, 2023 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm


  • Adults
