
Exploring Hidden Bias in Grammar

Exploring Hidden Bias in Grammar

Why do people react with fear and judgement about their grammar when they realize they are speaking with an English teacher? What power do we attribute to being able to speak in a way we have internalized as "correct"?
We'll work together to make a list of steps to celebrate the expression of individual voice and move away from thinking of a person's English as correct or incorrect as we’ve learned to understand it based on a biased system.
Speaker bio: Holly Flauto (BA, MA) is a settler in Canada and an instructor in the English department at Capilano University after coordinating the peer tutoring and writing centre at Douglas College for over a decade.
She is also a facilitator for the Instructional Skills Network, conducting workshops to enhance teaching effectiveness for instructors and educators.
Her current scholarship, research and pedagogical focus includes how peer-based learning, equity and antiracism, active learning, and UDL intersect in tutoring and teaching practices, particularly in the writing classroom. Her writing focus extends to creative practice as well, as she works in both creative non-fiction and poetry.


This event is part of the Capilano Universe speaker series. See all events and learn more about the series at capilanou.ca/UNIVERSE.


Registration required. This is a hybrid program. To attend virtually on Zoom, click “Program” below. To attend in-person, please call 604-929-3727, ext. 8166.




Thursday, March 7, 2024 - 6:30pm to 8:00pm


  • Adults
