
One eRead Canada: Tatouine

The completely bilingual virtual book club One eRead / Un livrel Canada, offered in Canadian libraries from one ocean to the other, is launching its third edition.

In April 2023, we offer you Tatouine / Ce qu’on respire sur Tatouine by Jean-Christophe Réhel. Throughout April, there are unlimited e-book and e-audiobook copies of Tatouine available to borrow from NVDPL, with no waitlists.


Come and join us for a discussion with the English translators, Katherine Hastings and Peter McCambridge, who will be interviewed by CBC's Shelagh Rogers. You can join them on a Zoom call or watch live on YouTube.

This event is happening in partnership with the Canadian Urban Libraries Council (CULC). CULC has the mission to facilitate advocacy, collaboration and research that strengthens and promotes the value of Canada’s urban libraries as integral to a vibrant democracy, a strong economy and thriving communities.

Learn more and reserve your spot on Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/one-eread-canada-tatouine-by-jean-christophe-rehel-tickets-571058199447





Wednesday, April 19, 2023 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm


  • Adults