
The Bridge: Writing across the Binary with Author Keith Maillard

This spring (May 2021), Freehand Books will be publishing his memoir The Bridge: Writing across The Binary, in which local author Keith Maillard details his experiences growing up nonbinary in the 1940s, '50s, and '60s in West Virginia. His stories get at the heart of the problems of the rigid gender binary, and what it was like to grow up never knowing how or where he fit. This is an engaging, entertaining, and informative book -- Keith is a master storyteller and doesn't assume that his readers already have an understanding of gender or what "nonbinary" means. He simply shares his own experiences in this generous and engaging memoir. 

Please join us for this special event, where Keith will read from his book and discuss some of his experiences with those attending. 


Keith Maillard is the award-winning author of fourteen novels, one collection of poetry, and two memoirs -- including The Bridge. He has taught in the Creative Writing Program at UBC for over thirty years and lives in Vancouver.

This meeting will be held on Zoom. 

What you’ll need to attend: a computer with microphone (or headphones) and webcam, or your smartphone/tablet.

Registration required. Register online or call 604-987-4471, ext. 8175. Zoom link will be sent to those registered in advance of the meeting date.


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Wednesday, April 28, 2021 - 7:00pm to 8:00pm


  • Teens
  • Adults

Comics Workshop for Any Drawing Level

Comics and graphic novels are finally being taken seriously as an artform and it's about time! The narrative magic created when words combine with pictures can be an incredible reading experience.

We invite you to try your hand at this artform whether you are a regular doodler or haven't tried drawing since you were a kid - you will get a lot of guidance and support from instructor and professional artist Kathleen Gros!

This is a four-part workshop and participation at all four sessions is strongly requested. See below for workshop details!


Session One: Sunday, March 7 | 2pm-3:30pm

  • Theme: Generating Ideas/Storytelling
    • Talk through ideas of storytelling & how to build a short comic from an initial idea.

Session Two: Sunday, March 14 | 2pm-3:30pm 

  • Theme: Composition
    • Talk through strategies for panel layouts, and how the eye is directed around the page.
    • As well as how different choices can elicit different reactions from the reader.

Session Three: Sunday, March 21 | 2pm-3:30pm 

  • Theme: Inking & Colouring
    • Talk through concepts of colour theory & different methods of bringing a comic to a “finished” state.

Session Four: Sunday, March 28 | 2pm-3:30pm 

  • Share your comic with other attendees! 
  • Open Q&A geared towards the specific attendees' interests.


Suggested Supplies:

The following items will help you make the most of this workshop. Please contact the below number or email info@nvdpl.ca if you have questions or concerns about supplies.

  • Some loose paper—printer paper is fine. You could also get a 9x12 pad of bristol if you wanted to try out a more “professional” type of paper. However printer paper is absolutely fine!
  • Pencils (any type between HB & 3H)
  • 2 fine liner pens (0.7 + 0.3 size) and a brush pen
  • Something to colour with—coloured pencils/pencil crayons recommended
  • A ruler
  • An eraser

Instructor information: Kathleen Gros is a cartoonist living in Vancouver, BC. She is the creator behind JO: An Adaptation of Little Women (Sort Of). She sits on the board of the charitable organization, the Cloudscape Comics Society. Find more of her work at kagcomix.com

Registration required. Register online or call 604-987-4471, ext. 8175.

This meeting will take place on Zoom. What you’ll need: A computer with microphone (or headphones) and webcam for Zoom; or your smartphone/tablet. We will email you the Zoom link in advance of the event. 


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Repeats every week every Sunday 4 times.
Sunday, March 7, 2021 - 2:00pm
Sunday, March 14, 2021 - 2:00pm
Sunday, March 21, 2021 - 2:00pm
Sunday, March 28, 2021 - 2:00pm


  • Teens
  • Adults

The Search for Extraterrestrial Life

One of humanity's biggest questions is, "are we alone?" Astronomers are searching our vast universe for signs of extraterrestrial life. How do we know what to look for? Where and how are we looking for life? We'll fly on a cosmic tour to look for places with the potential for life, and visit the robots and spacecraft that are helping us search along the way.

This event is open to Adult, Teens, and older children. 

About the presenter: Rachel Wang, an astronomer at the HR MacMillan Space Centre, is a graduate from UBC's Department of Physics and Astronomy. She loves to share her passion and knowledge about the universe with learners of all ages.

Registration required. Register online or call 604-987-4471, ext. 8175.

This meeting will take place on Zoom. What you’ll need: A computer with microphone (or headphones) and webcam for Zoom; or your smartphone/tablet. We will email you the Zoom link in advance of the event. 




Wednesday, March 10, 2021 - 7:00pm to 8:00pm


  • Teens
  • Adults

Kids Virtual Author Visit with Colleen Nelson

Join us for a very special author event featuring 2021 Red Cedar Book Award nominated Colleen Nelson.

Colleen Nelson joins us to talk about her nominated book Harvey Comes Home, a story about a stray West Highland Terrier dog that brings joy to an elderly resident and a young volunteer at a care home. Colleen will talk about her book and what inspired her to write about Harvey!

This presentation is suited for children in grades 4-7, members of the public may also register online to attend.

Colleen is a writer and a teacher-librarian in Winnipeg, Manitoba. You can follow Colleen on Twitter. The second book in the Harvey series, Harvey Holds His Own, is out now.

Financial assistance provided by the Canada Council through The Writers' Union of Canada. Thank you! 

This meeting takes place on Zoom. Here’s what you need to know:


  • Registration is required in order to receive an invitation to the session.
  • You will need a computer with a microphone or headset, and a webcam. You can also choose to use your smartphone/tablet.

Please contact Rachel Brown (brownr@nvdpl.ca) or Danielle Wing (wingd@nvdpl.ca) for more information.


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Tuesday, February 16, 2021 - 4:00pm to 4:45pm


  • Children
  • Teens


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